Monday, July 20, 2009

Family Matters, Does It?

Here in the everyday life, when one is tryin hard to find it's lifetime couple, there are always people that will ruine your good plan...

Just heard from one friend of the family, once the mother said to her daughter "that if you're gonna get married, find the same 'race' as ours, for better life and children, and so on and so on.."

This 'instructions' shooked me, how come a mother said that instead of "daughter, just try to find one good hearted man, that will give his live and heart for you, willing to live with you through bad and good time, for the rest of your life, and till death do both of you apart"

Well, I'm not trying to be judgemental though.. This is the question that tickeling me: does the same 'race' in marriage life is a guarantee that a couple will live their life in a happy marriage life ever after? (Just gonna let this question open without any of 'my' opinion ☺ )

Hehehehehehe... I guess this is all about the family matters. In present time, I guess we need to live in the logical state of mind than in a narrow minded full of s*#t racialism state of mind..

Okay then, may we all be a good parents for the better future..

Good luck, Friend ☺

Mon, Jul 20, 2009 | 8:57:20 AM

Tx OOT-ers n rgds,

*Posted via XL BlackBerry Service*

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Blown

Pagi ini, kita semua shooked up dengan kejadian ledakan di Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan, Jakarta.

Belum ada laporan resmi tentang korban jiwa yang timbul akibat ledakan ini.

Satu hal yang pasti, apabila ada, pelaku peledakan adalah orang2 yang tidak bertanggung jawab, pathetic, immoral, dan segudang prestasi buruk lainnya..

Turut berduka atas korban jiwa yang timbul, baik para karyawan hotel, tamu, pengunjung dan presdir Holcim yang kebetulan sedang berada di lokasi.

Allah SWT be with us, Indonesia..


Fri, Jul 17, 2009 | 10:23:00 AM

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